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The Astor Company Partnered With ITW on Old Scale Recycling
By Astor   |   08 August 2018   |   Waste & Recycling

As a proud partner in ITW's "Trade In, Trade Up" program of recycling old scales, The Astor Company successfully saved over ten thousands of old scales from landfilling and reproduced hundreds tons of valuable reusable materials.

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DSNY announced to expand the organic waste separation program
By Astor   |   30 May 2018   |   Market & Regulations

In February 2018, the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) announced to expand the commercial organic waste separation program. Around 2,000 businesses in NYC will be required to source organic food wastes for beneficial uses, in order to reduce the amount of waste into landfills.

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The Astor Company As the Zero Waste Partner of Walgreens
By Astor   |   20 December 2017   |   Zero Waste

As a sustainability consulting partner of Walgreens on their Zero-Waste to Landfill pilot project, The Astor Company successfully controlled the waste volume from Walgreens into landfill and fulfilled the compliance with laws and regulations.

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Red Nose Day Fund-raising
By Astor   |   26 May 2017   |   Event

As a legacy, The Astor Company responded to the call in the past two years to support welfare of children. We campaigned to raise funds and bring awareness to child poverty on Red Nose Day.

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